Palindromic Number
Whether a number is a palindrome or not depends on which base it is represented but all numbers are palindromic in some base.
The number "17371" is a palindromic number.
"5" is also a palindromic number.
But "2345" is NOT, because backwards it is "5432" (not the same).
Some More Examples of Palindromic Numbers
How to Find a Palindromic Number Using a Given Number
Using a given number, we can find a
palindromic number using the following steps.
Step 1:
Start with
any number. Call it original number. Reverse the digits of the original number.
Step 2: Call the reversed
number as new number. Add the new number to the original number.
Step 3:
If the sum
is a palindrome, you are done. If the sum is not a palindrome, repeat the steps
1 and 2 taking this sum as original number.
1: Find a palindromic number by taking 754 as original number.
Step 1: The original number is 754. Reverse the digits of 754.
Reversing 754
gives 457.
Step 2: Adding 754 and 457
gives 1211.
Step 3:
1211 is not
a palindrome, so repeat the steps 1 and 2.
Repeating steps 1
and 2, we get,
Step 1: Take 1211 as original number. Reverse the digits of 1211.
Reversing 1211
gives 1121.
Step 2: Add 1211 to 1121.
adding 1211 and 1121, we get 2332.
Step 3:
We are done
since 2332 can read the same backward and forward!
Hence, 2332 is a palindromic number.