Algebraic Expressions for Class 6 Worksheets

Algebraic Expressions for Class 6 Worksheets

Algebraic Expressions for Class 6 Worksheets

Let us solve these Algebraic Expressions for Class 6 Worksheets.


Algebraic Expressions for Class 6 Worksheet 1 with Answers


1. If the present age of Renu is x years, find her age

a. 6 years back

b. 8 years from now

2. State true or false for each of the following:

a. The expression for 4 times x added to 9 times y is 4x + 9y.

b. If x = 2 and y = 3, then the value of 2x + 3y – 13 is equal to zero.

c. 3m2 + 5n2 + 2mn is not a polynomial.

d. Coefficient of x in 5xy2 is 5y2z.

3. Find the degree of the following terms:

a. 6x3y2                                      

b. –5x5y3z2

4. Choose the correct answer for each of the following:

a. Coefficient of y in –3xyz is

i. –3                 

ii. –3x                

iii. –3z           

iv. –3xz

b. Among the terms 3x2y, 3xy, 5xy2, 7x2y 8x3y, 9x2y2, number of like terms are

i. 2                   

ii. 3                    

iii. 4              

iv. none of these

c. 15 is a constant and x2 is a variable, then 15x2 is a

i. constant           

ii. trinomial      

iii. binomial              

iv. monomial

d. ‘18 more than thrice of x is equal to 45’ written in algebraic form is

i. 3x + 18 = 45      

ii. 3 + x + 18 = 45        

iii. x + 3 × 18 = 45      

iv. 3 × 18x = 45

5. Nisha has 7 chocolates more than Riya and Kiya has thrice as many chocolates as Riya. How many chocolates are there in total?

6. Fill in the blanks.

a. Expression (5x + y + 7z + 2) has _________ terms.

b. Numerical coefficient of −3/5a2bc is _________.

c. 3x2y3 and – 7y3x2 are _________ terms.

d. 5b + 3a is a _________.

7. Simplify:

a. 4x + 3a + 2a + 2x                  

b. 4 × 3a3 × 6a2

8. Make groups of like terms.

i. xy       

ii. –5a2b    

iii. 3abc   

iv. p2q2      

v. –7yx      

vi. –3p2q2        

vii. 15abc 

viii. 4ba2     

ix. 12xy      

x. –3a2

9. Identify the trinomial or polynomial:

a. 20 + 3xy – 4x2y + 7x2y2        

b. 7a2b + 3ab3 – 2a2b4

c. 10a + 3ab + 4ab + 5ab2        

d. 4x2 + 7xy2 + 9x2y2


Algebraic Expressions for Class 6 Worksheet 2 with Answers


1. Fill in the blanks in each of the following.

a. A term having no literal factor is called a ___________.

b. We can add and subtract only ___________ terms.

c. Degree of the expression xy + x2y2 + x3y3 is ___________.

d. 4 + 3ab + b2 is a ___________.

2. Separate the like and unlike terms from each of the following:

3xy, 5x3y2, –3xy3, 5x2y3, 8xy, –2x3y2, 6xy, –xy3

3. Write down the coefficient of xy in the following:

a. 5xy                    

b. –7xy2                     

c. 8abxy              

d. –11px2yq

4. For each of the given expressions, state whether monomial, binomial, trinomial or polynomial.

a. 5a – 3b                          

b. bx2 + 7x – 8

c. 2xy                                  

d. x4 + 4x3y + 5x2y2 – 3xy3

5. If a = 1, b = 2 and c = –2, then find the value of:

a. a + b                

b. 3a2 + bc           

c. 2c b + a       

d. a2 + b2 + c2

6. Choose the correct answer for each of the following.

a. In the term 3x2, 3 is a

i. constant                

ii. literal                  

iii. variable                

iv. expression

b. The expression 3xy + 4y2 is a

i. monomial             

ii. binomial              

iii. polynomial          

iv. constant

c. In the expression 5x – 7y + 2, the number of terms are

i. 1           

ii. 2           

iii. 3         

iv. 5

d. The degree of the polynomial 5x2 – 7xy + 8y4 is

i. 1           

ii. 2           

iii. 3         

iv. 4

7. Write T for true or F for false:

a. 5x5 × 4x4 = 20x10                        

b. x + x + x + x x x = 2x

c. 5a + 2 + 3a + 6 = 11a + 5            

d. 12a – 7b + 3a = 8a

8. The charges of reserving a movie ticket is 10 per ticket on a website and the cost of a movie ticket is 250. If a family of x members book their tickets online, what is the cost? If they book tickets offline, what is the cost?


Algebraic Expressions for Class 6 Worksheet 3 with Answers


1. Classify each of the following algebraic expression as monomial, binomial, trinomial or polynomial.

a. 7x + 6y               

b. 5a2b + 8ab2 – 2ab         

c. ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 7

2. Write down the degree of each of the following:

a. 7x2y                             

b. 11x5 + 3x4 – 2x3y – 4x2y2

c. 4ab + 7ab2a4          

d. 3a6 + 4a8 – 7a2b4c3

3. If a = 6, p = 4, q = 7, find the value of

a. 3ap              

b. 6a + 3p2 – 2q

4. Match the following to the correct options:

a. 2x2y is a                                i. like terms

b. 5x4y is of degree                  ii. binomial

c. 7c + 3 is                               iii. 5

d. 3x2, 5x2 and – 10x2 are       iv. monomial

e. Coefficient of x in –3xy3      v. 2x + 5 = 6

f. Two times x increased by 5 equals 6    vi. –3y3

5. Riya has x in her account. She wants to give 2/3 of it to her son, 1/9 of it to charity and the rest to her daughter. What is the daughter’s share?

6. Fill in the blanks:

a. x + x + x + x + x = _________               

b. 5a + 3a – 6a = ___________

c. x × x × x × y × y = x y                                

d. 5ab × 6a2b3 = ___________

7. Resolve each of the following into its factors:

a. 12x3y2          

b. 15x5y3z2

8. State true or false for each of the following:

a. –x2 + y is a monomial.

b. 5x2, 3y2, 2z2 are three like terms.

c. 9 is the numerical coefficient of 93bc.

d. x2y + 5xy2 – 5y3 a polynomial of degree 9.

9. If the speed of a car is xy km/h, how much distance can it cover in

a. 5 hours?          

b. 3 and a half hours?        

c. 25 minutes?

10. The cost of a book is x. Shruti buys 10 books and sells each of them in a loss of y. What is her loss?


Worksheet 1

1. a. (x – 6) years           

     b. (x + 8) years

2. a. T       b. T      

    c. F       d. F

3. a. 5      b.  10

4. a. iv     b. i             

    c. iv      d. i

5. 5x +7   

6. a. 4        b. –3/5                 

    c. like    d. binomial

7. a. 6x + 5a    b. 72a5

8. (i, v, ix) (iv and vi) (ii, viii, x) (iii and vii)

9. a. polynomial     b. trinomial

    c. polynomial     d. trinomial


Worksheet 2

1. a. constant      

    b. like

    c. 6    

    d. trinomial

2. Like terms – (3xy, 8xy, 6xy), (5x3y2, –2x3y2), (–3xy3, –xy3)

    Unlike terms – 5x2y3

3. a. 5          b. –7y

b. 8ab          d. –11pxq

4. a. binomial

    b. trinomial

    c. monomial

    d. polynomial

5. a. 3         b. –1

    c. –5       d. 9

6. a. i          b. ii

    c. iii         d. iv

7. a. F         b. T

     c. F        d. F

8. 260x and 250x, respectively


Worksheet 3

1. a. binomial       

    b. trinomial       

    c. polynomial

2. a. 3       b. 5

    c. 4       d. 9

3. a. 72     b. 70

4. a. iv       b. iii

    c. ii        d. i

    e. vi       f. v

5. ₹ 2x/9

6. a. 5x       b. 2a

    c. x3y2     d. 30a3b4

7. a. 3 × 2 × 2 × x × x × x × y × y

    b. 3 × 5 × x × x × x × x × x × y × y × y × z × z

8. a. False      b. False

    c. False      d. False

9. a. 5xy km        b. 7xy/2 km

    c. 5xy/12 km

10. ₹ (10x - 10y)

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