Algebraic Expressions Worksheet for Class 7

Algebraic Expressions Worksheet for Class 7

Algebraic Expressions Worksheet for Class 7

Let us solve these Algebraic Expressions Worksheets for Class 7.


Algebraic Expressions Class 7 Worksheet 1 with Answers


1. In the term 15x2y3z2, find the coefficient of:

a. x2z2                     

b. x2                     

c. y3                         

d. z2                     

e. x2y3

2. Choose the correct option.

a. The expression (3xy – 1) is a

i. monomial               

ii. binomial                

iii. trinomial                 

iv. polynomial

b. A trinomial has

i. one term                

ii. two terms             

iii. three terms             

iv. more than three terms

c. The degree of the polynomial 6x2y2 + xy is

i. 1                          

ii. 2                   

iii. 3                       

iv. 4

d. The coefficient of x in the term 3xy2z is

i. 3                        

ii. 3y                  

iii. 3y2z                  

iv. 3yz

3. State true or false.

a. 7x2yz and 12yx2z are two unlike terms.

b. Degree of a polynomial is the degree of the highest term.

c. Coefficient of x in 5xyz and 5xy2z2 is the same.

d. The factors of 3abc are 3, a, b and c.

e. Product of 8x2y3z and 4x3y2z4 is 32x5y5z5.

4. State whether the given pair of terms are like or unlike terms.

a. 5, 25        

b. 3x, –7x      

c. 5x, 5y         

d. 3ab, –5ba          

e. ab2, a2b       

f. ab, – a2b2

5. Subtract:

a. –3ab from 3ab       

b. 2ab from 6ab        

c. –4ab from –9ab        

d. 7ab from –11ab

6. The sides of a triangle are 3x2 + 2x – 5, 2x2 + 7x + 5 and 5x2 + 6. Find the perimeter of the given triangle.

7. Add the following.

a. 5ab, 7ab, –9ab                                     

b. pqr, –3pqr, 4pqr

c. 2a – 5b, 5b – 4a + 1, 3a b                

d. 5x + 2, 2x + 3, –x – 7

8. What should be added to 3a2 + 4ab to get 7a2 – 5ab?

9. Simplify: 12 + [2a – {3b – (4a + b – 5) + 2a}] – {5a – (b – 3)}

10. Add the following algebraic expressions.

a. 5a + 2b and 4b + 3a                                     

b. 8a + 2b + 3c and 3a – 3b – 5c

c. 5p + 4q + 8r and 3p + 5q + 2r     

d. –3z + 4x + 7y, –5y – 4z, 6x + 4y – 7 and 12x – 3y + 5z + 4


Algebraic Expressions Class 7 Worksheet 2 with Answers


1. Fill in the blanks.

a. Every binomial is a ___________.

b. A polynomial has more than ___________ terms.

c. The degree of two like terms are always ___________.

d. The degree of the polynomial x5y + z5 is ___________.

2. Subtract (7x – 5y + 3z) from (4x – 3y – 2z).

3. What should be added to 4x2 + 3x – 5 to get 7x – 2?

4. Add the following.

a. 8a + 4b + 3c, 3a – 5b – 4c                      

b. 7p + 4q + 5r, 9p + 5q + 3r

c. –3z + 4x + 5y, – 6y – 4z                          

d. 5x + 4y – 8, 9x – 6y + 5z + 11

5. If x = 5, find the value of:

a. 12 + 5x                 

b. 2x2 + 7              

c. 3x2 – 4x + 8              

d. 7x + 3

6. If x = 3, y = 4, z = -2, find the values of:

a. (2x + 3y + z)2                                        

b. (x – 2) (y – 3) (z + 4)

c. (x y)(y z) (z x)                             

d. (x + y)(x y)

7. Multiply: (3x2y + 5xy) by (x2y - 2xy).

8. Divide (2x2yz + 7xyz) by xyz.

9. Subtract (5x2y + 3xy) from (7x2y - 2xy).

10. Identify the following as monomial, binomial, trinomial or polynomial and write the degree of each of the following:

a. 8x2y + xy               

b. 3abc           

c. 2x – 6y + 4z           

d. x2 + y2 + z2 + a


Worksheet 1

1. a. 15y3       b. 15y3z2

    c. 15x2z2    d. 15x2y3

    e. 15z2

2. a. ii           b. iii

    c. iv          d. iii

3. a. False      b. True

    c. False      d. True

    e. True

4. a. Like        b. Like

    c. Unlike    d. Like

    e. Unlike    f. Unlike

5. a. 6ab        b. 4ab

    c. -5ab       d. -18ab

6. 10x2 + 9x + 6

7. a. 3ab        b. 2pqr

    c. a – b       d. 6x – 2

8. 4a2 – 9ab

9. -4a + 2b + 4

10. a. 8a + 6b

      b. 11a – b – 2c

      c. 8p + 9q + 10r

      d. 22x + 3y – 2z – 3


Worksheet 2

1. a. polynomial   

   b. one      c. equal

    d. 6

2. -3x + 2y – 5z

3. -4x2 + 4x + 3

4. a. 11a – b – c

    b. 16p + 9q + 8r

    c. 4x – y – 7z

    d. 14x – 2y + 5z + 3

5. a. 37          b. 57

    c. 63          d. 38

6. a. 256        b. 2

    c. 30           d. -7

7. 3x4y2 – x3y2 – 10x2y2

8. 2x + 7

9. 2x2y – 5xy

10. a. Binomial; Degree: 3

      b. Monomial; Degree: 3

      c. Trinomial; Degree: 1

      d. Polynomial; Degree: 2

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14. Triangle and its properties class 7 worksheets

15. Congruence of triangles class 7 worksheets

16. Symmetry worksheet for class 7

17. Constructions worksheet for class 7

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