Basic Geometrical Ideas Class 6 Worksheet

Basic Geometrical Ideas Class 6 Worksheet

Basic Geometrical Ideas Class 6 Worksheet

Let us solve Basic Geometrical Ideas Class 6 Worksheets.

Basic Geometrical Ideas Class 6 Worksheet 1 with Answers


1. Choose the correct answer for each of the following:

a. The surface of a ball is a

i. straight line             

ii. curved line             

iii. plane surface           

iv curved surface

b. Two parallel lines

i. meet at a point      

ii. meet on a line      

iii. never meet         

iv. lie in one straight line

c. A line segment joining two points on the circumference of a circle is a

i. chord                       

ii. centre                    

iii. radius                   

iv. none of these

d. A ray has

i. two fixed points    

ii. one fixed point     

iii. a number of fixed points     

iv. None of these

2. State true or false for each of the following:

a. The surface of a table is a curved surface.

b. Three non-parallel straight lines can intersect only at one point.

c. A line has a countable number of points in it.

d. The intersection of two planes is a point.

3. Fill in the blanks using the diagram given.

In the given figure,

a. PQ represents a ___________.

b. ABCDEF is a ___________ figure (closed/open).

c. R, S and T are ___________ points.

d. BP is a ___________.

e. ASF is a ___________.

f. BMNE is a ___________.

4. From each of the following figures identify the straight lines, curved lines, rays and line segments.

Draw any alphabet and mark the following:

a. ray         

b. line segment           

c. a line

6. Illustrate the following by means of neat diagram:

a. open curve         

b. closed curve     

c. triangle

7. From the given figure, name the



a. intersecting lines

b. intersecting points

c. state what we say when lines intersect at a point

d. rays

8. In the given circle with centre O, identify the chords, radii and the longest chord.

9. Define the following terms using diagrams.

a. perpendicular bisector

b. line segment

c. ray

10. Draw a line segment AB of length 6.6 cm. Mark a point C on it such that AC = 3.2 cm.


Basic Geometrical Ideas Class 6 Worksheet 2 with Answers


1. Choose the correct answer:

a. When two lines are parallel, how many points do they have in common?

i. 2       

ii. 3          

iii. 0           

iv. 1

b. For three lines l, m and n, if l || m and m || n, then

i. l, m and n are parallel to each other.

ii. l and n have a point in common.

iii. l and n are at 90 degrees to each other.

iv. m and n have a point in common.

c. Which of the following is true?

i. A square is also a rectangle.

ii. A rectangle is also a square.

iii. All the sides of a rectangle are of the same length.

iv. The adjacent sides of a rectangle are at 60° to each other.

d. The number of diagonals that can be drawn in a triangle is

i. 3           

ii. 4            

iii. 0           

iv. 2

e. The number of diagonals in a rectangle is

i. 3            

ii. 2            

iii. 0           

iv. 4

f. A shape that is drawn on a flat surface or plane is called a ___________.

i. triangle 

ii. square

iii. plane figure 

iv. 2-dimensional figure

2. Fill in the blanks.

a. A ray extends in ___________ direction.

b. A curved line changes its ___________.

c. A line segment has ___________ length.

d. Parallel lines ___________ meet at a point.

3. State true or false for each of the following.

a. A line has length and breadth.

b. When two lines never meet, they are said to be parallel lines.

c. We can have more than one ray originating from one fixed point.

d. Two points can be joined by a straight line or a curved line.

4. From the given figure, match the following with the correct option.

a. PQ is a               i. diameter

b. AB is a               ii. a curve line

c. AOB is a            iii. points                                      

d. OR is a               iv. line

e. E, F and G are    v. ray

f. AEFG is a           vi. line segment

5. Using the given diagram, choose the correct option:

a. AB is a

i. line                 

ii. ray                

iii. line segment

b. R, S, T on QU are

i. points             

ii. segments        

iii. concurrent

c. Points, P, T of PT are its

i. end points               

ii. originating points           

iii. intersecting point

d. QB is a

i. line                  

ii. ray                

iii. line segment

e. Point R of RP is the

i. end point               

ii. initial point                 

iii. overlapping points

6. Draw using ruler and pencil to represent each of the following.

a. Two intersecting lines

b. Three concurrent lines

c. Three collinear points

7. In the following figure, identify the lines and rays.             

8. If we join two squares of the same size, end to end, what figure do we get and if the sides of the square measure 4 cm each, what is the length and breadth of the new figure so formed?

9. Draw any closed curve and represents any three points in the interior, exterior and on the boundary of this curve. Also, draw an open curve.

10. How many lines can be drawn through

a. Two collinear points 

b. Four collinear points

Basic Geometrical Ideas Class 6 Worksheet 3 with Answers


1. Fill in the blanks in each of the following:

a. A line has ___________ but no ___________ or ___________.

b. Three or more lines are ___________ if they meet at a point.

c. A globe has a ___________ surface.

d. A straight line has ___________ length.

2. From the following figures, identify curved lines, rays and line segments.

3. Draw a line segment AB of length 5 cm.

4. Draw a line and represent the following by marking points on the line.

a. a point

b. a line segment

c. a ray

d. a line

5. Choose the correct answer for each of the following:

a. A line has

i. length         

ii. Breadth          

iii. thickness          

iv. none of these

b. A straight line has

i. one fixed point          

ii. two fixed points          

iii. no fixed point        

iv. none of these

c. Three lines are concurrent if they meet at

i. two points                 

ii. three points

iii. one point                

iv. more than three points

d. Two plane surfaces intersect

i. at a point                                   

ii. in a line

iii. at more than one line           

iv. at two points

6. State true or false:

a. Rays originate from a fixed point.

b Lines may be straight or curve.

c. Any three points are always collinear.

d. If two or more straight lines passes through a common point, the lines are said to be concurrent.

e. The top of a table is a plane surface.

7. The radius of a circle is 5.5 cm, which is the diameter of another circle. Find the radius of the other circle? If the radius of a circle is doubled, what is the effect on its diameter?

8. In the given figure, is AB perpendicular to CD? If yes, give reasons.

9. Give four examples of curved surface.


Worksheet 1

1. a. iv        b. iii

    c. i          d. ii

2. a. False    b. False

    c. False    d. False

3. a. line             b. closed

    c. collinear    d. ray

    e. triangle     f. rectangle

4. a. Rays: AB, DE

        Line segments: AC, CD

   b. Curved line: ACD

       Line segments: AD, BD, AB

   c. Straight lines: AB, CD

       Rays: OA, OB, OC, OD

5. Do it yourself

6. Do it yourself

7. a. AE, BF, CG, DH

    b. O

    c. When lines intersect at a point, they are called intersecting lines.

    d. OA, OB, OC, OD, OE, OF, OG, OH

8. Chords: AB, AD, EF, CD, CB

    Radii: OA, OB, OC, OD, OE, OF

    Longest chords: AB, CD, EF

9. a. A line which bisects the given line and intersect it at 90°, is called the perpendicular bisector of the given line.

b. A part of a line with two fixed end points is called a line segment.

c. A part of a line with one fixed end point which can be extended in one direction, is called a ray.

10. Do it yourself


Worksheet 2

1. a. iii         b. i

    c. i           d. iii

    e. ii          f. iii

2. a. one     b. direction

    c. fixed    d. never

3. a. False    b. True

    c. True     d. True

4. a. iv          b. vi

    c. i            d. v

    e. iii          f. ii

5. a. i           b. i

    c. i           d. ii

    e. i

6. Do it yourself

7. Lines: AD, CB

    Rays: OA, OB, OC, OD

8. Rectangle with dimensions 8 cm × 4 cm.

9. Do it yourself

10. a. One      b. One


Worksheet 3

1. a. length; breadth; thickness

    b. concurrent

    c. curved

    d. infinite

2. a. Rays: PQ, RS

        Line segment: OP, OR

    b. Curved line: CAB

3. Do it yourself

4. Do it yourself

5. a. i          b. iii

    c. iii        d. ii

6. a. True     b. True

    c. False     d. True

    e. True

7. 2.75 cm; Diameter will also be doubled.

8. Yes, because ABD = ABC = 90°

9. Surface of football, globe, joker’s cap, drum

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