Circle Class 6 Worksheet

Circle Class 6 Worksheet

Circle Class 6 Worksheet

Circle Class 6 Worksheets play a vital role in strengthening the maths concepts.


Circle Class 6 Worksheet 1


1. Choose the correct answer for each of the following:

a. Area of a quadrant of a circle is equal to

i. area of circle           

ii. ½ × area of circle     

iii. ¼ × area of circle       

iv. ¾ × area of circle

b. In a circle, the number of diameters is

i. one                 

ii. two                 

iii. finite              

iv. infinite

c. A chord which divides a circle into two equal parts is

i. an arc                     

ii. radius                    

iii. a diameter                   

iv. circumference

2. Fill in the blanks for each of the following:

a. A diameter is ___________ the length of the radius.

b. Points lying within the circumference of a circle are called ___________ points.

c. A point at a distance 5 cm from the centre of a circle of radius 3 cm is an ___________ point.

3. Draw a circle of radius 6.5 cm and draw two perpendicular diameters.

4. Draw two concentric circles of radius 5.5 cm and 4.2 cm.

5. Draw a circle of radius 3.8 cm. Draw a chord and mark the minor and major segment.

6. Draw a circle and mark its centre as O. Take a point A on the circle, join AO and produce it to meet the circle at B. Then,

a. measure the length AB.

b. what are the two names given to AB?

7. Find the diameter of the circle whose radius is

a. 7 cm                     

b. 8 cm                         

c. 16 cm          

8. Draw a circle of diameter 12 cm and show major and minor segment.

9. Draw a circle with centre O and represent its

a. chord and secant                                 

b. radius and diameter

c. major and minor arc                           

d. major and minor segment

10. Draw a circle of diameter 6 cm. Draw two perpendicular chords that do not pass through the centre.


Circle Class 6 Worksheet 2


1. Choose the correct answer for each of the following:

a. The arc of a circle which is less than half the whole arc of a circle is called a

i. major arc                    

ii. circumference                  

iii. minor arc           

iv. none of them.

b. The distance of the centre of a circle and an exterior point is

i. more than the radius                         

ii. equal to the radius

iii. less than the radius                         

iv. equal to circumference.

2. Fill in the blanks for each of the following:

a. A line passing through the centre of a circle and meeting the circumference at two points is ___________ of the circle.

b. A chord of a circle divides into two parts is known as the ___________ segment and the ___________ segment of the circle.

3. Draw a circle of radius 6.4 cm and draw two perpendicular diameters in it.

4. Find the radius of the circle whose diameter is

a. 14 cm              

b. 20 cm                 

c. 38 cm                

d. 0.22 cm

5. Draw a circle and mark

a. an arc                       

b. a chord                 

c. a segment

6. Draw a circle of radius 5.6 cm and mark 3 interior and 4 exterior points.

7. Draw a circle and show major and minor segment.

8. Draw a circle of diameter 8 cm with centre O. Draw another circle with radius 5 cm from the same centre O. Now, shade the region bounded by the two circles.

9. Draw a circle of radius 4.2 cm and draw two parallel chords.


Circle Class 6 Worksheet 3


1. Choose the correct answer for each of the following:

a. The fixed point of a circle lying within it is called the

i. centre                    

ii. radius                   

iii. circumference            

iv. none of these

b. The part of the plane surface outside the region enclosed by the circumference of the circle is known as its

i. interior                  

ii. exterior                  

iii. outer plane                

iv. inner plane

c. The line joining the centre of a circle and any point on the circumference is known as the

i. radius                    

ii. interior point          

iii. diameter                    

iv. chord

2. Fill in the blanks for each of the following:

a. Two perpendicular diameters divide a circle into four _______.

b. A semicircle is _______ of a full circle.

c. There are _______ number of points on the circumference of a circle.

3. In the given figure, identify the following:  

a. radii                    
b. chord               
c. major sector            
d. major segment

4. Draw a circle of radius 4.9 cm, mark 6 interiors and 6 exteriors points.

5. Draw two concentric circles of diameters 6.3 cm and 8.4 cm respectively.

6. Draw a circle and mark

a. a radius                  

b. a diameter                 

c. a segment                   

d. a sector.

7. Find the radius of the circle whose diameter is

a. 24 cm                 

b. 16 cm                 

c. 46 cm                 

d. 4.8 cm

8. Draw a circle of radius 4.6 cm and mark its centre as O. Take a point B on the circle. Join BO and produce it to meet the circle at A. Then,

a. measure the length AB.             

b. what are the two names given to BA?

9. In the given figure, identify the following:

a. radii           

b. diameter         

c. chord(s)        

d. minor segment         

e. minor sector


Worksheet 1

1. a. iii        b. iv

   c. iii

2. a. twice       b. interior

    c. exterior

3. Do it yourself

4. Do it yourself

5. Do it yourself

6. Do it yourself

7. a. 14 cm      b. 16 cm

    c. 32 cm

8. Do it yourself

9. Do it yourself

10. Do it yourself


Worksheet 2

1. a. iii         b. i

2. a. diameter   

    b. major; minor

3. Do it yourself

4. a. 7 cm       b. 10 cm

    c. 19 cm     d. 0.11 cm

5. Do it yourself

6. Do it yourself

7. Do it yourself

8. Do it yourself

9. Do it yourself


Worksheet 3

1. a. i           b. ii

    c. i

2. a. quadrant     b. half

    c. infinite

3. a. OA, OB, OE, OF

    b. CD, EF

    c. OECDFO

    d. CEFD

4. Do it yourself

5. Do it yourself

6. Do it yourself

7. a. 12 cm       b. 8 cm

    c. 23 cm       d. 2.4 cm

8. Do it yourself

9. a. OA, OC, OD, OG, OH

    b. CD, GH

    c. AB, EF

    d. AHB, EGF

    e. OACO

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