Data Handling Class 6 Worksheet 1 with Answers
1. The
number of people who like a particular drink in a group is shown below.
Name of the drink |
Tea |
Coffee |
Coca |
Juice |
Lemonade |
Number of people |
18 |
12 |
24 |
12 |
6 |
Draw a pie
chart to represent the given data.
2. The
following data shows the number of items sold in a shop.
Items |
Number of items |
Shirt |
100 |
Sarees |
120 |
Dresses |
100 |
Caps |
40 |
Socks |
60 |
a pie chart to represent the given data.
3. Draw
a line graph for the following information.
Name of city |
Pune |
Bangalore |
Nasik |
Hyderabad |
Shimla |
Chennai |
Distance from city A |
200 |
900 |
300 |
800 |
2400 |
700 |
Now, answer the following questions:
a. Which city is farthest from A?
b. Which is nearest to A?
4. The
temperature of a patient in Fahrenheit is as follows. Draw a line graph to
express the same.
Time |
12 p.m. |
1 p.m. |
2 p.m. |
4 p.m. |
5 p.m. |
6 p.m. |
temperature |
120°F |
104°F |
103°F |
101° F |
101°F |
100°F |
5. An
investigator studied the reasons for unrest in an Indian University and the
following figures were obtained
Reasons |
Causes in percentage |
Academic |
55 |
Inter-union riverly |
15 |
Political |
50 |
Economic |
9 |
Display this information by a bar graph.
6. The following information gives number of days it rains in July in 20 cities. Tabulate this information.
18, 20, 16, 24, 30, 23, 24, 18, 16,
20, 25, 18, 16, 12, 13, 19, 20, 20, 28, 20
7. The
number of students that like a particular form of art is given below. Draw pie
chart for the same.
Art |
Dance |
Drawing |
Singing |
Painting |
Playing instruments |
Number of students |
6 |
12 |
9 |
3 |
6 |
Answer the following:
a. Which form is most popular among
b. Which two forms are equally liked by children?
c. Which form is least likely among children?
Data Handling Class 6 Worksheet 2 with Answers
1. 60 students participated in various school
events. Represent the given information on a line graph.
Events |
Swimming |
Basketballs |
Elocution |
Cultural |
Quiz |
Number of students |
14 |
16 |
8 |
10 |
12 |
2. The following table gives the family budget of
Mr. Raman:
Item |
Food |
Rent |
Clothing |
Education |
Savings |
Cost in Rs |
4500 |
3000 |
2500 |
4000 |
1500 |
Represent the
given data by a bar graph.
3. The following bar graph shows the favourite
subjects of a few students. Answer the questions that follow.
a. Which subject is liked the most?
b. Which subject is liked the least?
How many students like Chemistry?
4. Percentage marks scored by 8 students A, B, C,
D, E, F, G are shown below. Draw a bar graph to represent the given data.
Students |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
Marks in percentage |
80 |
70 |
85 |
90 |
65 |
45 |
20 |
80 |
5. Represent the following data on a pie graph.
Favourite food of students of class
6 |
Sweet corn |
Egg |
Paneer |
mutton |
chicken |
fish |
Number of students |
150 |
100 |
200 |
200 |
250 |
100 |
Choose correct answer for each of the
The students of a
class of a certain school opting for different games is given below.
Game |
Cricket |
Hockey |
Badminton |
basketball |
football |
Name of students |
27 |
36 |
90 |
54 |
18 |
If this data is represented on a bar graph the highest bar is of
i. Badminton
ii. Cricket
iii. Football
iv. Basketball
b. If the above data is represented on
a pie graph the angle representing the largest sector is equal to
i. 25°
ii. 35°
iii. 30°
iv. 144°
A graph of some given data represented by bars is called
i. pie graph
ii. line graph
iii. bar graph
iv. none of these
A collection of information in the form of numerical figures is called
i. data
ii. score
iii. tabulation
iv. graphs
Data Handling Class 6 Worksheet 3 with Answers
State whether the following statements are
true or false:
In a bar graph, the width of the bars must be uniform.
A pie chart is represented using a square.
In a line graph, the data is plotted as points and the points are joined by
2. Study the following bar graph showing the average production of a
company in six consecutive years and answer the questions that follow.
a. In which year was the production maximum?
In which year was the production minimum?
c. What is the total production of years 1990 to 1993?
d. What can you predict about the production of 1994?
3. The marks in Mathematics of 15 children of a class are given
below. Tabulate the information.
50, 55, 65, 65, 70, 75, 48, 50, 90, 95, 80, 80, 95, 50
4. The following table shows the name of
buildings and the number of floors in them.
Name of buildings |
Ganga |
Poorna |
Kaveri |
Krishna |
Narmada |
Numbers of floors |
8 |
16 |
18 |
20 |
24 |
Draw a bar graph, pie graph and a line graph using the given information.
5. Use the bar graph below and answer the
a. How many students were absent for four days?
For how many days were the least number of students absent?
c. For how many
days were 12 students absent?
6. Given below is a bar graph showing the number
of students who like various subjects. Use this information and answer the
following questions.
a. Which is the most liked subject?
Which is the least liked subject?
c. How many
students like History?
Choose the correct answer:
When numerical data is represented by sectors of a circle, it is called a
i. line graph
ii. pie chart
iii. bar graph
iv. none of these
b. If there are 60 students in a class
and in the pie chart showing their favourite subjects, Maths gets 40%
weightage, how many children like Maths?
i. 30
ii. 18
iii. 24
iv. 6
c. Vidya spends ₹ 1000 on purchasing a bag, ₹ 800 on a dress and ₹ 200 on a book. ln the pie chart, what angle will the purchase of a bag get?
i. 180°
ii. 120°
iii. 90°
iv. 45°
d. In a pie chart, a sector of 144° represents the savings from salary. If the salary is ₹ 25,000, what are the savings?
i. ₹ 1000
ii. ₹ 10000
iii. ₹ 4000
iv. ₹ 5000
e. In a pie chart, the sum of the
angles in various categories is always ____ degrees.
i. 240
ii. 360
iii. 120
iv. 300
Worksheet 1
1. Do it yourself
2. Do it yourself
3. a. Shimla b. Pune
4. Do it yourself
5. Do it yourself
No. of days |
No. of cities |
12 |
1 |
13 |
1 |
16 |
3 |
18 |
3 |
19 |
1 |
20 |
5 |
23 |
1 |
24 |
2 |
25 |
1 |
28 |
1 |
30 |
1 |
7. a. Drawing
b. Dance and Playing
c. Painting
Worksheet 2
1. Do it yourself
2. Do it yourself
3. a. Maths b. Biology
c. 35 students
4. Do it yourself
5. Do it yourself
6. a. i b. iv
c. iii d. i
Worksheet 3
1. a. True b. False
c. False
2. a. 1993 b. 1990
c. 1,35,000
d. It will be more than
3. Do it yourself
4. Do it yourself
5. a. 8 students b. For 2
c. For 8 days
6. a. Maths b. English
c. 9 students
7. a. ii b. iii
c. i d. ii
e. ii
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