Percentage Questions for Class 6

Percentage Questions for Class 6

Percentage Questions for Class 6

Percentage Questions for Class 6 play a major role in revising the maths concepts.


Percentage Worksheet for Class 6

Worksheet 1


1. State true or false:

a. 12% of 5600 is 672.

b. 3.08% is greater than 30.8%.

c. 0.07 expressed as percentage is 7%.

d. 6.4% expressed as fraction is 8/125.

2. There are 40 students in a class. If 24 students passed, then find the percentage of students who failed.

3. The number of visitors in a zoo on 24th December was 1,20,000. Next day, that is on 25th December it is decreased by 20%. On 26th December, being Sunday, the number of visitors is increased by 30% of the number who visited on 25th. Find the number of visitors on 26th.

4. Fill in the blanks in each of the following:

a. If 60 is increased to 90, then the increase percent is ___________.

b. 200 g expressed as a percentage of 1 kg equals to ___________.

c. 12.5% expressed as a fraction is equal to ___________.

d. 1/5 part of a container containing petrol is kerosene, then ___________ % is pure petrol.

5. Salaries of two salesmen are same. Due to good performance salary of one is increased by 10% and due to poor performance salary of the other is decreased by 5%. If after this, the difference of their salaries is Rs 7500, find their original salaries.

6. A person earns Rs 25000 per month. He spends Rs 19000. Find the percentage of the amount he saves.

7. Choose the correct answer for each of the following:

a. The half portion of a diagram is shaded, then percentage of shaded portion is

i. 40%          

ii. 50%         

iii. 8%       

iv. 25% 

b. 4 out of 25 expressed as percentage is

i. 26%        

ii. 40%         

iii. 16%           

iv. 20%

c. 55% expressed as fraction is equal to

i. 15/16       

ii. 11/20        

iii. 24/40          

iv. none of these

d. In a class of 45 students, 15 are boys. The percentage of girls in the class is

i. 15%         

ii. 45%         

iii. 331/2           

iv. 662/3

8. Madan gets Rs 200 every week as pocket money. If his mother increases his pocket money to Rs 250, by what percent has his pocket money increased?


Worksheet 2


1. Write true or false for the following statements:

a. 23% of 2000 = 460

b. 12.5% =1/4

c. 10% of 120 – 0.2 part of 55 = 1

d. 66 is 55% of 120.

e. 0.3% = 0.003

2. Choose the correct answers for each of the following:

a. Hema scored 48 out of 80 in mathematics test, which was ___________ %.

b. Mohan’s pocket money of Rs 300 was increased by 12%, then his new pocket money is ___________.

c. In a box containing 300 mangoes, 15 were found to be rotten then the percentage of good mangoes were ___________%.

d. In a school, a student was absent for 25 days out of 200 days. He was present for ___________ days.

3. A man divided his property among his wife, son and daughter. He gave 46% of the property to his wife, 32% to his son and the remaining to his daughter. What percent did the daughter receive?

4. A person distributed Rs 40000 among his children in such a manner that his two sons get 20% each and the remaining part is divided equally among his 4 daughters. How much money will a daughter get?

5. An alloy was found to consist of 75% copper and equal parts of zinc and tin. How much zinc is there if the weight of alloy is 500 g?

6. If 16% of a property costs Rs 8,40,000, what is the value of the whole property?

7. 40 cm of flag post is under the Earth. 20% of the remaining is painted white and the rest is painted black. If length of the black portion is 320 cm, find length of the flag post.

Worksheet 3


1. In a particular year, the population of village was 7500 males and 4500 females. If after some time the male population is increased by 10% and female population is increased by 12%, what is the total population in that year?

2. State true or false for each of the following:

a. 3.25 is equal to 32.5%

b. If 45% of the students of a school of 2000 are boys, then the number of girls is 1100.

c. The price of pen increases from Rs 16 to Rs 17.20. The percentage increase in the price of pen is 7.5%.

d. A man’s salary increases from Rs 35000 per month to Rs 38500 per month. The increase percent is 8%.

3. The ratio of girls to boys in a school is 5 : 3. Find the percentage of girls and boys in the school.

4. In an examination, Priti got 115 out of 150 in Science and 75 out of 120 in Mathematics. Find the percentage marks obtained in each subject. Which score was better and by what percentage?

5. Fill in the blanks:

a. 5.65% = ___________ (Write it as a fraction)

b. 20% of 120 = ___________

c. 0.35 = ___________%

d. 40% of ___________ is 50.

e. 3/5 = ___________%

6. A girl obtained 88% marks in an examination. The full marks is 850. What is his total marks?

7. In a school calendar, out of 365 days of the year the total number of working days is 219. What is the percentage of working days?

8. Choose the correct answer for each of the following:

a. 34% expressed in decimal is equal to

i. 0.34          

ii. 3.4        

iii. 0.17          

iv. 1.7 

b. What should be placed between 0.78% and 7.8%?

i. smaller (<)          

ii. greater (>)         

iii. equal (=)              

iv. none of these

c. In a locality with 48 big trees, 12 got uprooted in a storm. Percentage of uprooted trees is

i. 25%          

ii. 75%        

iii. 12%           

iv. 48%

d. 12.5% of 48 is

i. 12           

ii. 6           

iii. 24             

iv. 25


Worksheet 1

1. a. True       b. False

    c. True       d. True

2. 40 %      

3. 1,24,800

4. a. 50%       b. 20%

    c. 1/8         d. 80%

5. ₹ 50,000

6. 24%

7. a. ii           b. iii

    c. ii           d. iv

8. 25%


Worksheet 2

1. a. True      b. False

    c. True      d. True

    e. True

2. a. 60%      b. ₹ 336

    c. 95%      d. 87.5%

3. 22%

4. ₹ 6000 each

5. 62.5 g

6. ₹ 52,50,000

7. 440 cm


Worksheet 3

1. 13,290

2. a. False     b. True

    c. True      d. False

3. 62.5%, 37.5%

4. Science: 76.67%

    Mathematics: 62.5%

5. a. 113/2000    b. 24

    c. 35                 d. 125

    e. 60

6. 748 marks

7. 60%

8. a. i        b. i

    c. i         d. ii

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