Profit and Loss Class 7 Worksheet

Profit and Loss Class 7 Worksheet

Profit and Loss Class 7 Worksheet

Profit and Loss Class 7 Worksheets play a major role in strengthening the maths concepts.


Profit and Loss Class 7 Worksheet 1


1. Nisha bought a plot of land. She sells it to Rohan at a profit of 10%. Rohan sells the same plot to Mala at a loss of 1%. If Mala pays  52272, find the price at which Nisha bought the land.

2. Fill in the blanks.

a. If selling price is  864 and CP is  800, then % profit is ___________.

b. If selling price is  4410 and discount is 2%, then MP is ___________.

c. If profit is 12%, marked price is  5600 and discount on marked price is 4%, then CP is ___________.

d. Cost price is  1200, profit is 20%, then selling price is ___________.

e. Discount on marked price is 5% and marked price is  4600, then selling price is ___________.

f. Marked price is 20% more than cost price which is  4800. If discount is 10%, then profit is ___________.

3. State whether the following statements are true or false.

a. Marked price is  9620 and selling price is  8177, then discount is 15%.

b. Marked price is 20% more than CP and discount on MP is 8%, then gain is 12.5%.

c. If SP is 25% more than CP, then CP is 20% less than SP.

d. If on selling an article for ₹ 8160 the % loss is 4%, then CP is ₹ 8500.

4. A person bought a cycle for  1600 and spent  80 for changing some parts. If he wishes to make a profit of 20%, what price must he sell the cycle?

5. A man bought 6 dozen oranges for  432 and sells them at  7 each. Find its gain per cent.

6. Choose the correct option.

a. If the SP is  540 and CP is  480, then profit per cent is

i. 20%              

ii. 12%             

iii. 10%           

iv. 12 12%

b. If the CP of a chair is  400 and gain is 15%, then SP is

i.  440         

ii.  450        

iii.  460      

iv.  480

c. The percentage loss of an article is 5% of the SP. If loss is  380, then CP is

i.  4000       

ii.  4120       

iii.  9440    

iv.  7600

d. If SP and CP of an article are  460 and  400 respectively. The total profit on selling 5 such articles is

i.  300         

ii.  320        

iii.  340      

iv.  360

e. If SP of 10 eggs is same as CP of 15 eggs, then gain % is

i. 20%             

ii. 50%            

iii. 30%           

iv. 40%

7. The MP of an article is  12000. After allowing a discount of 10%, a person earns a profit of 8% on CP. Find the CP.

8. A person sold a car at a loss of 8%. If he increased his SP by  28000, then he would have gain 6%. Find the CP of the car.

9. A shopkeeper declares 20% discount on MP. If CP of an article is  2800 and he wishes to earn a profit of 12% on the CP, find the MP.

10. Match the following.

a. If gain is 4% and SP is  4992, then CP is               i.  2090

b. If CP is  2375 and loss is 12%, then SP is             ii. 20%

c. CP is  800 and gain is  160, then gain % is         iii.  590

d. MP is  4850 and SP is  4260, then discount is    iv.  4800


Profit and Loss Class 7 Worksheet 2


1. State whether the following statements are true or false.

a. If cost price is  450 and selling price is  495, then profit is 12%.

b. If SP is  336 and loss is 4%, then CP is 350.

c. If MP is  8500 and discount is 4%, then SP is  8200.

d. If gain is 16% and CP is  850, then SP is  800.

e. CP is  2400, MP is 20% more than CP, then MP is  2880.

2. A car dealer bought a second-hand car for  60000. He spent  18000 for its repair and painting. Then he sold it at a profit of 12% on the net price. Find the SP of the car.

3. Fill in the blanks.

a. If CP is  600 and SP is  720, then profit per cent is ___________.

b. If SP is  560 and profit is 12%, then CP is ___________.

c. If CP is  600 and profit is 12.5%, then SP is ___________.

d. If MP is  18000 and discount is 20%, then SP is ___________.

e. If discounted price of an article is  1159 and MP is  1220, then the rate of discount is ___________.

f. By selling an article for  3762, loss is 5%. To gain 10%, SP must be ___________.

g. By selling a table for  2200 a shopkeeper gains 10%, then the gain is ___________.

4. Match the following with the correct option.

a. Discount is 18%. If MP is  7500, then SP is                       i.  800

b. CP is Rs 2320 and SP is  2552, then profit percentage is   ii.  2304

c. SP is  680 and discount percentage is 15%, then MP is      iii. 10%

d. MP is  2560 and discount is 10%, then SP is                      iv.  6150

5. A car dealer marked the price 20% above the cost price and then gave a discount of 10% on the MP. Find the profit per cent.

6. A person sold two different tables for  10450 each. On one, he made a profit of 10% and on the other he incurred a loss of 5%. Find their original price and net gain or loss.

7. A manufacturer sold an article to the dealer at a discount of 30% on listed price. Dealer allows 20% discount to shop owner. Shop owner sells the article at listed price. If the listed price is  56000, find.

a. the amount paid by the dealer.

b. the amount paid by the shopkeeper.

c. the profit of the shopkeeper.

8. A shopkeeper allows 10% discount on one article and 15% on the other. If SP is  765 each, find their total MP and total discount.

9. If the cost price of 8 eggs is same as the SP of 6 eggs, then find the gain per cent.

10. Choose the correct option.

a. If CP is  500 and MP is  600 and discount is 10% of MP, then loss or gain is

i. loss  60                            

ii. gain  50              

iii. gain  40            

iv. loss  40

b. MP is  2750 and discount is 14%, then SP is

i.  2515                   

ii.  2495                 

iii.  2365                 

iv.  2295

c. MP is 20% more than CP and discount is 20% of MP, then gain or loss is

i. gain 4%                   

ii. loss 4%                   

iii. gain 2%          

iv. no loss no gain

d. If MP is  365 and SP is  350, then discount % is

i. 8% (approx.)                      

ii. 6% (approx.)        

iii. 4% (approx.)       

iv. 2% (approx.)

e. MP of an article is 20% above CP and discount is 10%, then SP is

i. ₹ 100                     

ii. ₹ 120                   

iii. ₹ 108                  

iv. ₹ 140



Worksheet 1

1. ₹ 48,000

2. a. 8             b. ₹ 4500

   c. ₹ 4800    d. ₹ 1440

   e. ₹ 4370    f. ₹ 384

3. a. True       b. False

   c. True        d. True

4. ₹ 2016

5. 162/3%

6. a. iv           b. iii

   c. iv             d. i

   e. ii

7. ₹ 10,000

8. ₹ 2,00,000

9. ₹ 3920

10. a. iv         b. i

    c. ii             d. iii


Worksheet 2

1. a. False        b. True

   c. False         d. False

   e. True

2. ₹ 87,360

3. a. 20%        b. ₹ 500

   c. ₹ 675      d. ₹ 14,400

   e. 5%          f. ₹ 4356

   g. ₹ 200

4. a. iv           b. iii

   c. i              d. ii

5. 8%

6. ₹ 9500; ₹ 11,000; Net profit = ₹ 400

7. a. ₹ 39,200      b. ₹ 44,800

   c. ₹ 11,200

8. Total MP = ₹ 1750;

   Total discount = ₹ 220

9. 331/3%

10. a. iii          b. iii

   c. ii              d. iii

   e. iii

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