Profit and Loss Class 7 Worksheet 1
1. Nisha bought a plot of land. She sells it to Rohan at a profit of
10%. Rohan sells the same plot to Mala at a loss of 1%. If Mala pays ₹ 52272,
find the price at which Nisha bought the land.
Fill in the blanks.
If selling price is ₹ 864 and CP is ₹ 800, then % profit is ___________.
If selling price is ₹ 4410 and discount is 2%, then MP is ___________.
If profit is 12%, marked price is ₹ 5600 and discount on marked price is 4%,
then CP is ___________.
Cost price is ₹ 1200, profit is 20%, then selling price is ___________.
Discount on marked price is 5% and marked price is ₹ 4600, then selling price
is ___________.
Marked price is 20% more than cost price which is ₹ 4800. If discount is 10%,
then profit is ___________.
State whether the following statements are true or false.
Marked price is ₹ 9620 and selling price is ₹ 8177, then discount is 15%.
Marked price is 20% more than CP and discount on MP is 8%, then gain is 12.5%.
If SP is 25% more than CP, then CP is 20% less than SP.
d. If on selling
an article for ₹ 8160 the % loss is 4%, then CP is ₹ 8500.
4. A person bought a cycle for ₹ 1600 and spent ₹ 80 for changing
some parts. If he wishes to make a profit of 20%, what price must he sell the
5. A man bought 6 dozen oranges for ₹ 432 and sells them at ₹ 7
each. Find its gain per cent.
Choose the correct option.
If the SP is ₹ 540 and CP is ₹ 480, then profit per cent is
i. 20%
ii. 12%
iii. 10%
iv. 12 12%
If the CP of a chair is ₹ 400 and gain is 15%, then SP is
i. ₹ 440
ii. ₹ 450
iii. ₹ 460
iv. ₹ 480
The percentage loss of an article is 5% of the SP. If loss is ₹ 380, then CP
i. ₹ 4000
ii. ₹ 4120
iii. ₹ 9440
iv. ₹ 7600
d. If SP and CP of an article are ₹ 460 and ₹ 400 respectively. The total profit on selling 5 such articles is
i. ₹ 300
ii. ₹ 320
iii. ₹ 340
iv. ₹ 360
If SP of 10 eggs is same as CP of 15 eggs, then gain % is
i. 20%
ii. 50%
iii. 30%
iv. 40%
7. The MP of an article is ₹ 12000. After allowing a discount of
10%, a person earns a profit of 8% on CP. Find the CP.
8. A person sold a car at a loss of 8%. If he increased his SP by ₹ 28000, then he would have gain 6%. Find the CP of the car.
9. A shopkeeper declares 20% discount on MP. If CP of an article is ₹ 2800 and he wishes to earn a profit of 12% on the CP, find the MP.
Match the following.
a. If gain is 4% and SP is ₹ 4992,
then CP is i. ₹ 2090
If CP is ₹ 2375 and loss is 12%, then SP is ii.
CP is ₹ 800 and gain is ₹ 160, then gain % is iii. ₹ 590
MP is ₹ 4850 and SP is ₹ 4260, then discount is iv. ₹ 4800
Profit and Loss Class 7 Worksheet 2
State whether the following statements are true or false.
If cost price is ₹ 450 and selling price is ₹ 495, then profit is 12%.
If SP is ₹ 336 and loss is 4%, then CP is 350.
If MP is ₹ 8500 and discount is 4%, then SP is ₹ 8200.
If gain is 16% and CP is ₹ 850, then SP is ₹ 800.
CP is ₹ 2400, MP is 20% more than CP, then MP is ₹ 2880.
2. A car dealer bought a second-hand car for ₹ 60000. He spent ₹ 18000 for its repair and painting. Then he sold it at a profit of 12% on the
net price. Find the SP of the car.
Fill in the blanks.
If CP is ₹ 600 and SP is ₹ 720, then profit per cent is ___________.
If SP is ₹ 560 and profit is 12%, then CP is ___________.
If CP is ₹ 600 and profit is 12.5%, then SP is ___________.
If MP is ₹ 18000 and discount is 20%, then SP is ___________.
e. If discounted price of an article
is ₹ 1159 and MP is ₹ 1220, then the rate of discount is ___________.
f. By selling an article for ₹ 3762,
loss is 5%. To gain 10%, SP must be ___________.
By selling a table for ₹ 2200 a shopkeeper gains 10%, then the gain is
Match the following with the correct option.
Discount is 18%. If MP is ₹ 7500, then SP is i. ₹ 800
CP is Rs 2320 and SP is ₹ 2552, then profit percentage is ii. ₹ 2304
SP is ₹ 680 and discount percentage is 15%, then MP is iii. 10%
MP is ₹ 2560 and discount is 10%, then SP is iv. ₹ 6150
A car dealer marked the price 20% above the
cost price and then gave a discount of 10% on the MP. Find the profit per cent.
A person sold two different tables for ₹ 10450 each. On one, he made a profit of 10% and on the other he incurred a loss
of 5%. Find their original price and net gain or loss.
7. A manufacturer sold an article to the dealer at a discount of 30%
on listed price. Dealer allows 20% discount to shop owner. Shop owner sells the
article at listed price. If the listed price is ₹ 56000, find.
the amount paid by the dealer.
the amount paid by the shopkeeper.
the profit of the shopkeeper.
8. A shopkeeper allows 10% discount on one article and 15% on the
other. If SP is ₹ 765 each, find their total MP and total discount.
9. If the cost price of 8 eggs is same as the SP of 6 eggs, then find
the gain per cent.
Choose the correct option.
If CP is ₹ 500 and MP is ₹ 600 and discount is 10% of MP, then loss or gain
i. loss ₹ 60
ii. gain ₹ 50
iii. gain ₹ 40
iv. loss ₹ 40
MP is ₹ 2750 and discount is 14%, then SP is
i. ₹ 2515
ii. ₹ 2495
iii. ₹ 2365
iv. ₹ 2295
MP is 20% more than CP and discount is 20% of MP, then gain or loss is
i. gain 4%
ii. loss 4%
iii. gain 2%
iv. no loss no gain
If MP is ₹ 365 and SP is ₹ 350, then discount % is
i. 8% (approx.)
ii. 6% (approx.)
iii. 4% (approx.)
iv. 2% (approx.)
MP of an article is 20% above CP and discount is 10%, then SP is
i. ₹ 100
ii. ₹ 120
iii. ₹ 108
iv. ₹ 140
Worksheet 1
1. ₹ 48,000
2. a. 8 b. ₹
c. ₹ 4800 d. ₹ 1440
e. ₹ 4370 f. ₹ 384
3. a. True b. False
c. True d. True
4. ₹ 2016
5. 162/3%
6. a. iv b. iii
c. iv d. i
e. ii
7. ₹ 10,000
8. ₹ 2,00,000
9. ₹ 3920
10. a. iv b. i
c. ii d. iii
Worksheet 2
1. a.
False b. True
c. False d. False
e. True
2. ₹ 87,360
3. a.
20% b. ₹ 500
c. ₹ 675
d. ₹ 14,400
e. 5% f. ₹ 4356
g. ₹ 200
4. a. iv b. iii
c. i d. ii
5. 8%
6. ₹ 9500; ₹
11,000; Net profit = ₹ 400
7. a. ₹
39,200 b. ₹ 44,800
c. ₹ 11,200
8. Total MP =
₹ 1750;
Total discount = ₹ 220
9. 331/3%
10. a.
iii b. iii
c. ii d. iii
e. iii
Maths Quiz
Maths Quiz for Class 7 Percentage, Profit and Loss
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