Algebraic Expressions Class 8 Worksheet

Algebraic Expressions Class 8 Worksheet

Algebraic Expressions Class 8 Worksheet

Algebraic Expressions Class 8 Worksheets play a major role in strengthening the maths concepts.


Algebraic Expressions Class 8 Worksheet with Answers

1. Determine which of the following expressions are polynomials:

a. x3 + x7 + x9                      

b. 2x4 + 1/x2                            

c. 5x2 + x 

d. 3x2 + x + 7                            

e. 6x3 + 1/x 

2. Write the degree of each of the following polynomials.

a. –2x3 + 2x2 – 3x + 7                                 

b. 4x4 – 7x + 15

c. 3x5 – 6x3 + 10x – 3                                 

d. 5x3 – 7x

e. 5x3 + 3x2 – 7                                           

f. 7x2 + 7x + 1

g. 2 – 7x – 3x2                                                     

h. 4 – 5x – 2x2 + 3x6

3. Classify the following algebraic expressions as monomials, binomials or trinomials.

a. 3x5 + 7                       

b. 7x – 10                   

c. –2x4 + 4x3 + 9x

d. –5x2 – 3x + 4            

e. 4x2                          

f. 4x3

g. 3x2 + 4x                    

h. 2x + 9y                   

i. x + 2x + 9y

4. Identify the like terms in each of the following algebraic expressions.

a. 3xy, –4y2, 4c, –7yx, 6y2, 3ab, 2a

b. 9xyz, –3xyz, –4xy, 3xy2, –7y2x, 19yz

c. 6ab, –3bc, 2a, 4bc, –9ba, 2c

d. –2pqr, 7p2r, –9rp2, 6pqr, 3pr2, 2rp2

5. Add the following algebraic expressions.

a. 2 – 5abc + 3b2c, 4abc – 7, 2abc – 7b2c + 9

b. 3p2q – 3pq + 5, 4pq – 8, 7p + 2p2q + 6

c. 5pqr – 7p2qr + 2pq2r, –3p2qr + 9pqr – 4pr2, 6pr2 – 7pqr

d. 5ab – 6bc + 3ca, 6bc – 4, 4abc – 2ab + 5bc, 2ca – 8

6. Subtract the following algebraic expressions.

a. 2ab – 3bc from 4ab bc

b. 8pqr – 6p2qr + 7pq2r – 5pqr2 from 9pqr pq2r + 4p2qr – 5pqr2

c. 3x2yz – 7xy2z + 9xyz2 – 6 from 5xyz2 + 2xyz – 7x2yz + 4xy2z

d. 9abc – 3ab2c + 4a2bc – 5abc2 from 5abc2 – 10ab2c + 4a2bc + 2abc

7. Evaluate the following.

a. –3x3 + 5x2 +10x – 8 for x = –2

b. 2y2 – 3y + 6 for y = –4

c. 12x2y + 4xy2 + 2xy – 3 for x = 1 and y = 2

8. Multiply the following:

a. (x + y) by (s + t)                      

b. (4x + 3y) by (z + 5)

c. (a + b) by (2c – 3d)                

d. (5x – 3y) by (4 – z)

9. Simplify the following.

a. (p + q + r) (p q + r) – p (p + q)

b. (2a – 3b + 7c) (3a + 6b + c) – a (b + c)

c. x (x + y + z) – y (y x + z)

d. (x + y) (x y + xy) + (x y) (x + y xy)

10. Divide the following.

a. 6x2 + 12x by 6x                           

b. 25m7 – 15m3 + 5m2 by 5m2

c. 18x6 – 12x5 + 6x2 by –6x              

d. 8a2 + 16a4 – 12a3 by 4a2

11. Using identities, find the values of the following.

a. (97)2                                      

b. (995)2

c. (75)2                                      

d. (1003)2

12. Find the product using suitable identity.

a. (2x2 + 5) (2x2 – 5)                    

b. (4a + 7b) (4a – 7b)

c. (7p – 6q) (7p + 6q)                

d. (2xy + 7yz) (2xy + 7yz)

e. (3x + 5z) (3x – 5z)                 

f. (2m – 7n) (2m – 7n)

13. Find the value of the following using suitable identity.

a. (53)2                                      

b. 102 × 98                      

c. 99 × 101

d. (96)2                                     

e. 396 × 404                    

f. 995 × 1005

14. (4x + 5y) (2x  3y)can be calculated using the identity

a. (a + b)a2 + b2 + 2ab                              

b. (a  b)a2 + b2  2ab

c. a b= (a + b) (a  b)

d. None of these


1. a. Polynomial

    b. Not a polynomial

    c. Polynomial

    d. Polynomial

    e. Not a polynomial

2. a. 3            b. 4

    c. 5            d. 3

    e. 3            f. 2

    g. 2            h. 6

3. a. Binomial       b. Binomial

    c. Trinomial      d. Trinomial

    e. Monomial    f. Monomial

    g. Binomial      h. Binomial

    i. Binomial

4. a. Like terms: (3xy, –7yx); (–4y2, 6y2)

    b. Like terms: (9xyz, –3xyz); (3xy2, –7y2x)

    c. Like terms: (6ab, –9ba); (–3bc, 4bc)

    d. Like terms: (–2pqr, 6pqr); (7p2r, –9rp2, 2rp2)

5. a. abc – 4b2c + 4

    b. 3p2q – 3pq + 5, 4pq – 8, 7p + 2p2q + 6

    c. 7pqr – 10p2qr + 2pq2r + 2pr2

    d. 3ab + 5bc + 5ca + 4abc – 12

6. a. 2ab + 2bc

    b. pqr – 8pq2r + 10p2qr

    c. 2xyz – 4xyz2 – 10x2yz + 11xy2z + 6

    d. 10abc2 – 7ab2c – 7abc

7. a. 16           b. 50

    c. 41

8. a. xs + xt + ys + yt

    b. 4xz + 20x + 3yz + 15y

    c. 2ac – 3ad + 2bc – 3bd

    d. 20x – 5xz – 12y + 3yz

9. a. 2prq2 + r2pq

    b. 6a2 – 18b2 + 7c2 + 2ab + 22ac + 39bc

    c. x2y2 + 2xy + xzyz

    d. 2x2 – 2y2 + 2xy2

10. a. x + 2        

      b. 5m5 – 3m + 1

      c. -3x5 + 2x4x

      d. 2 + 4a2 – 3a

11. a. 9409      b. 9,90,025

      c. 5625      d. 10,06,009

12. a. 4x4 – 25

      b. 16a2 – 49b2

      c. 49p2 – 36q2

      d. 4x2y2 + 49y2z2 + 28xy2z

      e. 9x2 – 25z2

      f. 4m2 + 49n2 – 28mn

13. a. 2809      b. 9996

      c. 9999      d. 9216

      e. 1,59,984

      f. 9,99,975

14. c

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Maths Quiz for Class 8 Algebraic Expressions

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2. Exponents and powers class 8 worksheet

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4. Cubes and cube roots class 8 worksheets

5. Playing with numbers class 8 worksheet

7. Factorisation class 8 worksheet

8. Linear equations in one variable class 8 worksheet

9. Percentage class 8 worksheets

10. Compound interest class 8 worksheets

11. Direct and inverse proportions class 8 worksheets

12. Understanding quadrilaterals class 8 worksheets

13. Construction of quadrilaterals class 8 worksheet

14. Perimeter and area class 8 worksheets

15. Surface area and volume class 8 worksheets

16. Data handling class 8 worksheets

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2. Venn diagram questions


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