Surface Area and Volume Class 8 Worksheet 1 with Answers
Surface area of a dice is 2166 mm2.
the length of an edge.
the volume of the dice.
State true or false.
a. The volume of an open tank is same
as the volume of a closed tank having the same dimensions.
If the height of a rectangular box is doubled, then the volume is also doubled.
Volume of a cuboid whose base is a square of side 6 cm and height 5 cm is 150
If the total surface area of a cube is 54 cm2, then its volume is 9
The height of a cuboid of volume 60 m3 is 12 m, then the area of its
base is 5 m2.
The internal dimension of a wooden box is 36
cm × 32 cm × 28 cm. If the thickness of wood is 2 cm, find its external surface
4. The floor of a rectangular room is 4.8 m by 3 m. If the height of
the room is 4.2 m, find the capacity of the air inside the room.
5. Bricks of size 25 cm by 12 cm by 8 cm are used to make a wall of
length 5 m, height 2 m and thickness 18 cm. Find the number of bricks
Choose the correct option.
If the total surface area of a cube is 54 cm2, then length of its
side is
i. 9 cm
ii. 6 cm
iii. 3 cm
iv. 4 cm
The outer surface area of an open tank of dimensions 6 m × 4 m × 2 m is
i. 48 m2
ii. 44 m2
iii. 12 m2
iv. 64 m2
If the height of a cuboid is 8 cm and the area of its base is 3 sq. cm, then
its volume is
i. 24 cm3
ii. 11 cm3
iii. 22 cm3
iv. 8/3 cm3
7. The length of a cuboid is two times its breadth and three times
its height. Find its length if the total surface area is 72 cm2.
A cuboidal room is 5.5 m long, 5 m wide and 4
m high. Find the cost of white washing its walls at ₹ 6.50 per square metre
and roof at ₹ 3.50 per square metre.
Fill in the blanks.
The volume of a box of dimensions 10 cm by 8 cm by 4 cm is ___________.
b. The total surface area of a closed
box of dimensions 50 cm by 30 cm by 20 cm is ________.
If a cuboid of height 10 cm stands on a square base of area 12 sq. cm, then its
volume is ___________.
d. The height of
an open tank of capacity 90 cu. m having a square base of side 3 m is _______.
10. A carton measures 15 cm by 30 cm by 20 cm. Find the volume of 10
such cartons.
Surface Area and Volume Class 8 Worksheet 2 with Answers
1. Nitin wants to colour four walls of a box measuring 15 cm by 20 cm
by 25 cm for his Science project. Find the surface area of the box on which Nitin paints.
2. Three cubes of sides 3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm are melted to form a new
cube. Find the length of the side of this cube and its surface area.
3. In a room of size 8 m by 6 m by 4 m, there are two windows each of
size 4 m by 2 m and one door of size 2 m by 1.5 m. If the cost of painting the
walls is ₹ 480 per sq. m, find the total cost.
Match each of the following with the correct
a. The volume of a cube is 216 cm3
and its length is i.
3 cm
If the total surface area of a cube is 54 cm2, then its volume is ii. 6 cm
If the volume of a cuboid of side 3x, 2x and x is 162 cm3,
then x is iii. 27 cm3
5. The length, breadth and height of a closed rectangular box is 8
cm, 6 cm and 4 cm respectively. If the rate of decorating box is ₹ 1.20 per
sq. cm, find the cost of decorating the box.
360000 litres of water is stored in a
reservoir whose length and breadth of the base is 40 m and 30 m respectively.
Find the height of the water level of the reservoir.
7. Find the amount of the paper required to make
cuboidal open basket of dimensions 85 cm by 70 cm by 55 cm, if the thickness of
the paper is negligible.
Fill in the blanks.
a. Two boxes A and B has the same base
area. If the height of box A is 50% more than box B, then volume of A is
___________ times the volume of B.
b. Number of cubes of 3 cm edge that
can be cut from a cube of 18 cm edge is ___________.
9. The floor and walls of a swimming pool are to be painted which
measures 36 m × 22 m × 2.5 m. Find the surface area of the pool to be painted.
Find the surface area and volume of a cube
with an edge of length 16 cm.
Surface Area and Volume Class 8 Worksheet 3 with Answers
1. Find the height of a rectangular tank whose volume is 960 cm3,
length 12 cm and breadth 10 cm.
State true or false in each of the following:
Volume of a cube of side 10 cm is 1000 cm3
b. A cuboid measuring 24 cm by 9 cm by
8 cm is melted to form a cube. Each side of cube is 12 cm.
c. Surface area
of a cube of side 2.1 cm is 4.41 cm2
d. The volume of a cuboid is 162.5 m3.
If the length and breadth are 10 m and 5 m respectively, then height is 3.25
e. The dimensions of a cuboid is 8 cm
by 7 cm by x cm. If volume is 336 cm2, then x is equal
to 6 cm.
The measurement of a rectangular box is 18 cm
by 36 cm by 20 cm. 40 identical boxes are fitted into it. Find the volume of
each box.
4. Find the volume and surface area of a cuboid with dimensions 12 cm
by 10 cm by 8 cm.
Choose the correct option for each of the
Surface area of a cube is 96 cm2, then its volume is
i. 216 cm3
ii. 64 cm3
iii. 384 cm3
iv. 144 cm3
The volume of a rectangular solid is 2 m3. Its volume in cm3
i. 20000 cm3
ii. 200 cm3
iii. 2000000 cm3
iv. 20 cm3
c. A slab is 10 cm high, 20 cm long
and 5 cm thick. If the length is increased by 6 cm, then volume increases by
i. 300 cm3
ii. 60 cm3
iii. 216 cm3
iv. 6 cm3
Find the volume of the following rectangular
length 2.4 cm, breadth 1.7 cm and height 6 cm
length 12 cm, breadth 2 cm and height 35 cm
Find the lateral surface area of a cube of
side 8 cm and also find its total surface area.
How many matchbox can be placed in a box of size
60 cm by 55 cm by 45 cm, if the size of a match box is 3 cm by 2.5 cm by 1.5
9. Three cuboids of length 24 cm, breadth 6 cm
and height 4 cm are joined together to form another cuboid. Find the volume of
the required cuboid.
Surface Area and Volume Class 8 Worksheet 4 with Answers
State whether true or false:
A cuboid 9 cm by 4 cm by 6 cm is melted and made into a cube of side 6 cm.
Volume in cubic cm is 25.5. The same volume in cubic metre is 0.000255.
The volume of a cuboid of side 25 m by 14 m by 7 m is 2450 m3.
The surface area of a cube is 216 cm2. The volume of this cube is
216 m3.
e. Surface area of a rectangular box
is 35 sq. m. Cost for painting it at ₹ 25 per sq. m is ₹ 2775.
A room measures 8 m by 6.4 m by 6 m, find the
Find the lateral surface area of a cuboid of
dimension 8 cm, 6 cm, 4 cm?
Fill in the blanks.
Volume of a cuboid is equal to ___________.
1 m3 is equal to ___________ litres.
The surface area of a tank which is a cube of side 2.5 m is ___________.
d. When a solid
is melted and made into another solid of different size, the volume of the two
solids is ___________.
e. A floor is 5 m by 4 m. A square
carpet of side 3 m is laid on the floor. The uncarpeted area is ___________.
Find the volume of a cuboid whose dimensions
are 3.4 m by 1.6 m by 1.3 m. If 1 m3 = 1000 litres, find the volume
in litres.
Choose the correct options for each of the
If surface area of a cube is 486 cm3, each of its side is
i. 9 cm
ii. 18 cm
iii. 12 cm
iv. 24 cm
The volume and surface area of a cube of side 6 cm are
i. unequal
ii. equal
iii. volume is grater
iv. surface
area is greater
Volume of a cube is equal to 512 cm3, then its surface area is
i. 384 cm2
ii. 348 cm2
iii. 240 cm2
iv. 64 cm2
d. The number of bricks measuring 8
cm by 4 cm by 3 cm that can be fitted in a crate measuring 24 cm by 12 cm by 6
cm are
i. 24
ii. 16
iii. 32
iv. 18
7. Volume of cuboid is 840 cm3. If its height is 7 cm and
breadth 8 cm, find its length.
8. Find the height of a cuboid of length 18 cm and breadth 16 cm, if
its lateral surface area is 544 cm2?
9. A tea chest measures 60 cm by 40 cm by 30 cm. If small tea box
measuring 10 cm by 8 cm by 5 cm is fitted into it. How many boxes will it hold?
Find the lateral surface area of a cube of
side 15 cm?
Worksheet 1
1. a. 19
cm b. 6859 cm3
2. a.
True b. True
c. False d.
e. True
3. 7744 cm2 4. 60.48 m3
5. 750
6. a.
iii b. iv
c. i
7. 6 cm
8. ₹ 546; ₹
9. a. 320
cm3 b. 6200 cm2
c. 120 cm3 d. 10 m
10. 90,000 cm3
Worksheet 2
1. 1750 cm2
2. 6 cm,
216 cm2
3. ₹ 67,680
4. a.
ii b. iii
c. i
5. ₹ 249.60 6. 30 cm
7. 23,000
8. a.
1.5 b. 216
9. 1082 cm2
10. 1536 cm2;
4096 cm3
Worksheet 3
1. 8 cm
2. a. True b. True
c. False d. True
e. True
3. 480 cm3
4. 960 cm3;
592 cm2
5. a.
ii b. iii
c. i
6. a. 24.48
cm3 b. 840 cm3
7. 256 cm2;
384 cm2
8. 13,200 matchbox
9. 1728 cm3
Worksheet 4
1. a.
True b. False
c. True d. True
e. False
2. 307.2 cm3
3. 112 cm2
4. a. l
× b × h b. 1000
c. 37.5 m2 d. equal
e. 11 m2
5. 7.072 m2;
7072 litres
6. a. i b. ii
c. i d. iv
7. 15 cm 8. 8 cm
9. 180
10. 900 cm2
Maths Quiz
Maths Quiz for Class 8 Surface area and Volume
MCQs Questions
MCQs Questions for Class 8 Maths
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