Measurement Worksheet for Class 2

Measurement Worksheet for Class 2

Measurement Worksheet for Class 2

Measurement worksheets for class 2 play a major role in revising the measurement concepts.

Measurement Worksheet for Class 2 with Answers

1. Identify and name these non-standard units.

2. Use your body parts (non-standard units) to measure the following lengths.

a. Your desk = ________handspans

b. Your pencil box = ______handspans

c. Blackboard = ______cubits

d. Class corridor = ______paces

e. Your classroom = ______footspans

f. Your class window = ______cubits

g. Your study table = ______handspans

h. Your school playground = ______paces

3. Convert the following into cm.

a. 5 m                       

b. 8 m                        

c. 4 m

d. 3 m                       

e. 9 m                       

f. 7 m

g. 6 m                       

h. 2 m                        

i. 10 m

4. Convert the following into m.

a. 1 km                       

b. 2 km                        

c. 3 km

d. 4 km                       

e. 5 km                        

f. 6 km

g. 7 km                       

h. 8 km                        

i. 9 km

5. Measure the following object in cm.

a. Your pencil box = _______cm          

b.  Your tie = ______cm

c. Your tooth brush = ______ cm        

d. Your mathematics book = ______ cm

e. Your pencil = ______cm                   

f. Your handspan = ______cm

6. Convert the following into g.

a. 9 kg                       

b. 8 kg                        

c. 7 kg

d. 6 kg                       

e. 5 kg                        

f. 4 kg

g. 3 kg                      

h. 2 kg                        

i. 1 kg

7. Choose the approximate weight of the following objects.

a. An apple (200 g, 200 kg)

b. A mango (5 kg, 500 g)

c. A water melon (4 kg, 400 g)

d. Your school bag (600 g, 6 kg)

e. Your lunch box (500 g, 10 kg)

f. A pen (20 g, 20 kg)

8. Convert the following into mL.

a. 1 L                       

b. 2 L                        

c. 3 L

d. 4 L                       

e. 5 L                       

f. 6 L

g. 7 L                       

h. 8 L                         

i. 9 L

9. Choose the units that you will use to measure the capacity of the following.

a. A water bottle          (L, mL)

b. A spoon                 (L, mL)

c. A syrup bottle         (L, mL)

d. A bucket                  (L, mL)

e. A small bowl             (L, mL)

f. A water tank               (L, mL)

10. Compare the following and put the symbols < or >.

a. Length of a pencil ______ Length of table

b. Weight of a banana ______ Weight of a pineapple

c. Capacity of bucket ______ Capacity of a bowl

d. Length of a TV ______ Length of a mobile

e. Weight of a cow _____ Weight of a dog

f. Capacity of a spoon _____ Capacity of a glass


1. a. handspan            

    b. footspan             

    c. Cubit             

    d. Pace

2. Do it yourself

3. a. 500 cm            b. 800 cm              

    c. 400 cm            d. 300 cm           

    e. 900 cm            f. 700 cm

     g. 600 cm           h. 200 cm             

     i. 1000 cm

4. a. 1000 m            b. 2000 m             

    c. 3000 m            d. 4000 m            

    e. 5000 m             f. 6000 m

    g. 7000 m            h. 8000 m             

    i. 9000 m

5. Do it yourself

6. a. 9000 g              b. 8000 g              

    c. 7000 g             d. 6000 g              

    e. 5000 g             f. 4000 g

    g. 3000 g              h. 2000 g              

    i. 1000 g

7. a. 200 g                b. 500 g                

    c. 4 kg                  d. 6 kg                  

    e. 500 g                 f. 20 g

8. a. 1000 mL          b 2000 mL            

    c. 3000 mL         d. 4000 mL          

    e. 5000 mL          f. 6000 mL

    g. 7000 mL          h. 8000 mL          

     i. 9000 mL

9. a. L         b. mL     

    c. mL      d. L       

     e. mL      f. L

10. a. <    b. <         

     c. >      d. >      

     e. >      f. <

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