Profit and Loss Questions with Answers
1. Find profit or
loss for the following:
a. CP = ₹ 224, SP = ₹ 253
b. CP = ₹ 645, SP = ₹ 650
c. CP = ₹ 5878, SP = ₹ 4878
d. CP = ₹ 7456, SP = ₹ 5675
e. CP = ₹ 82323, SP = ₹ 93454
f. CP = ₹ 67654, SP = ₹ 78984
2. Nita sold her music system for ₹ 12000, at a
profit of ₹ 1800. What is the cost price of the music system?
3. Find the cost
price for the following:
a. SP = ₹ 542, profit = ₹ 42
SP = ₹ 742, loss = ₹ 84
c. SP = ₹ 1345, loss = ₹ 243
SP = ₹ 8463, profit = ₹ 345
e. SP = ₹ 62453, profit = ₹ 1325
SP = ₹ 46516, loss = ₹ 2314
g. SP = ₹ 57654, profit = ₹ 21654
h. SP = ₹ 23526, loss = ₹ 4538
4. If the cost
price of a T-shirt is ₹ 543 and the shopkeeper sells it at a price of ₹ 645,
then find the profit made by the shopkeeper.
5. If
the selling price of a video game is ₹ 875 and profit is ₹ 250, then find the cost price of the video game.
6. Mayank bought a refrigerator for ₹ 15750 and sold it for ₹ 12380. What is his profit or loss?
7. Manu sold a washing machine at a loss of ₹ 1200. If the selling price of the washing machine is ₹ 14600, what will be the cost price of the washing machine?
8. Hemant bought a scooter for ₹ 16450, spent ₹ 1250 on its repair and then sold it for Rs 20500. What is his profit or
9. Rohit sold his digital camera for ₹ 5820, at a loss of ₹ 1580. What is the cost price of the digital camera?
10. The CP and SP of a TV set are ₹ 14500 and ₹ 16225. Find the profit or loss by selling the TV set.
Worksheet 2
1. Find the selling price for the following:
a. CP = ₹ 534, profit = ₹ 46
b. CP = ₹ 968, loss = ₹ 84
c. CP = ₹ 5324, loss = ₹ 545
d. CP = ₹ 6587, profit = ₹ 420
e. CP = ₹ 21543, profit = ₹ 376
f. CP = ₹ 54287, loss = ₹ 845
g. CP = ₹ 74638, profit = ₹ 647
CP = ₹ 67467, loss = ₹ 4234
2. If the cost
price of 5 kg of apples is ₹ 600, then what will be the cost price of 1 kg of apples?
If selling price of 1 kg of apple is ₹ 130, what is profit or loss on selling
1 kg of apple?
3. Cost price of 1
dozen pens is ₹ 120 and profit made on selling them is ₹ 24. Find their
selling price.
4. Rohan bought an
old computer system for ₹ 12500 and spent ₹ 1500 on its repair. If he sold it
for Rs 15000, what was his profit or loss?
5. A shopkeeper
bought a video game for ₹ 25986. On selling it, he suffered a loss of ₹ 2876.
At what price did he sell the video game?
6. By selling a
pair of shoes for ₹ 875, a shopkeeper suffers a loss of ₹ 155. What is the
cost price of the pair of shoes?
7. Renu bought a
juicer worth ₹ 6435 and made a profit of ₹ 485 by selling it. At what price
did she sell the juicer?
8. The cost price
of a laptop is ₹ 45000. It is sold at a profit of ₹ 2500. What is the selling
price of the laptop?
9. Manoj bought a
study table for ₹ 10984 and suffered a loss of ₹ 1250 by selling it. At what
price did he sell it?
10. If the cost
price and the selling price of an air conditioner are ₹ 34560 and ₹ 38450,
respectively. Find the profit or loss.
1. a. Profit = ₹ 29
b. Profit = ₹ 5
c. Loss = ₹ 1000
d. Loss = ₹ 1781
e. Profit = ₹ 11,131
f. Profit = ₹ 11,330
₹ 10,200
3. a. ₹ 500
b. ₹ 826
c. ₹ 1588
d. ₹ 8118
e. ₹ 61,128
f. ₹ 48,830
g. ₹ 36,000
h. ₹ 28,064
4. ₹ 102
5. ₹ 625
6. Loss = ₹ 3370
7. ₹ 15,800
8. Profit = ₹ 2800
9. ₹ 7400
10. Profit = ₹ 1725
1. a. ₹ 580
b. ₹ 884
c. ₹ 4779
d. ₹ 7007
e. ₹ 21,919
f. ₹ 53,442
g. ₹ 75,285
h. ₹ 63,233
2. ₹ 120; Profit = ₹ 10
3. ₹ 144
4. Profit = ₹ 1000
5. ₹ 23,110
6. ₹ 1030
7. ₹ 6920
8. ₹ 47,500
9. ₹ 9734
Profit = ₹ 3890
Maths Quiz
Maths quiz for class 5 profit and loss
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