Time Worksheet for Class 4 with Answers
1. Use a.m. or p.m. to fill in the blanks.
a. Ravi
goes to school at 7:30 ______ and goes to sleep at 9:00 ______.
b. Nisha
eats her breakfast at 7:15 ______ and eats her dinner at 8:00 ______.
c. Gajal
leaves for school at 7:10 ______ and she starts her homework at 4:40 ______.
d. Hemant leaves for office at 8:30 ______ and
reaches back to home at 7:15 ______ .
2. Convert the following times into the 12-hour
clock time.
18:40 hours = ____________________________
b. 5:25 hours = _____________________________
19:35 hours = ____________________________
d. 11:15 hours = ____________________________
3. Convert the following times into the 24-hour
clock time.
12:00 noon = ____________________________
b. 3:30 p.m. = _____________________________
4:30 a.m. = _____________________________
d. 6:15 p.m. =
4. Find the time
duration for the following activities.
a. Starting time = 4:50 a.m.
time = 11:25 a.m.
b. Starting time = 2:36 p.m.
Finishing time = 7:45
c. Starting time = 4:28 p.m.
Finishing time = 9:30
d. Starting time = 3:45 p.m.
Finishing time = 8:55
5. Convert the
following into seconds.
a. 15 minutes
b. 5 minutes 50 seconds
c. 25 minutes 25
d. 8 minutes 18 seconds
e. 12 minutes 35 seconds
f. 18 minutes 40 seconds
6. Convert into
a. 10 hours b. 14 hours
c. 35 hours d. 54 hours
e. 32 hours 24 minutes
f. 45 hours 14 minutes
7. Convert the
following into days and hours.
a. 42 hours b. 85 hours
c. 146 hours d. 212 hours
e. 156 hours f. 315 hours
8. Convert the
following into minutes and seconds.
a. 420 seconds
b. 216 seconds
c. 625 seconds
d. 560 seconds
e. 260 seconds
f. 432 seconds
9. Convert the
following into hours and minutes.
a. 262 minutes
b. 298 minutes
c. 322 minutes
d. 355 minutes
e. 308 minutes
f. 640 minutes
10. How many days have elapsed between 15th January and 21st
February? (15th January is not included).
11. Neha’s exams started on 22nd March and the last
exam was on 13th April. What was the total duration of her exams?
12. Write the dates in short form.
a. 7 January 1995
b. 14 April 2006
c. 25 December 2016
d. 18 July 1988
e. 28 May 2001
12 September 2019
13. Punita went on a hill station on 12th June and
returned on 24th June of the same year. Find the total number of days spent on
the trip.
14. A carpenter
works for 9 hours 30 minutes. Convert the time spent into minutes.
15. Rohan takes 654 seconds to go to his school on
his bicycle. Convert the time taken by him into minutes and seconds.
1. a. a.m.; p.m.
b. a.m.; p.m.
c. a.m.; p.m.
d. a.m.;
2. a. 6:40 p.m.
b. 5:25 a.m.
c. 7:25 p.m.
11:15 a.m.
3. a. 12:00 hours
b. 15:30 hours
c. 4:30 hours
18:15 hours
4. a. 6 hours 35 minutes
b. 5 hours 9 minutes
c. 5 hours 2 minutes
d. 5
hours 10 minutes
5. a. 900 seconds
b. 350 seconds
c. 1525 seconds
d. 498 seconds
e. 755 seconds
f. 1120 seconds
6. a. 600 minutes
b. 840 minutes
c. 2100 minutes
d. 3240 minutes
e. 1944 minutes
f. 2714 minutes
7. a. 1 day 18 hours
b. 3 days 13 hours
c. 6 days 2 hours
d. 8 days 20 hours
e. 6 days 12 hours
f. 13 days 3 hours
8. a. 7 minutes 0 seconds
b. 3 minutes 36 seconds
c. 10 minutes 25 seconds
9 minutes 20 seconds
e. 4 minutes 20 seconds
f. 7 minutes 12 seconds
9. a. 4 hours 22 minutes
b. 4 hours 58 minutes
c. 5 hours 22 minutes
d. 5 hours 55 minutes
e. 5 hours 8 minutes
f. 10 hours 40 minutes
10. 37 days
11. 23 days
12. a. 07/01/1995
b. 14/04/2006
c. 25/12/2016
d. 18/07/1988
e. 28/05/2001
f. 12/09/2019
13. 12 days
14. 570 minutes
15. 10 minutes 54 seconds
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