Class 1 Numbers
Numbers and Number Names
One-digit Numbers
Numbers from
1 to 9 are called 1-digit numbers. We need one place or one digit to write
one-digit numbers. Let’s write the number names of one-digit numbers.
Numbers |
Number names |
1 |
One |
2 |
Two |
3 |
Three |
4 |
Four |
5 |
Five |
6 |
Six |
7 |
Seven |
8 |
Eight |
9 |
Nine |
Two-digit Numbers
Numbers from
10 to 99 are called 2-digit numbers. We need two places and two digits to write
two-digit numbers. The two places to write two-digit numbers are Ones
place and Tens place. Let’s write the number names of two-digit numbers.
Numbers |
Number names |
10 |
Ten |
11 |
Eleven |
12 |
Twelve |
13 |
Thirteen |
14 |
Fourteen |
15 |
Fifteen |
16 |
Sixteen |
17 |
Seventeen |
18 |
Eighteen |
19 |
Nineteen |
20 |
Twenty |
21 |
Twenty-one |
22 |
Twenty-two |
23 |
Twenty-three |
24 |
Twenty-four |
25 |
Twenty-five |
26 |
Twenty-six |
27 |
Twenty-seven |
28 |
Twenty-eight |
29 |
Twenty-nine |
30 |
Thirty |
we can write the number names of the remaining two-digit numbers from 31 to 99.
To write
three-digit numbers, we need three digits and three places. We will study the
three-digit numbers in your next class.
Before, After and In Between
Look at the
numbers 6, 7 and 8.
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
6 is just before 7.
7 is in between 6 and 8.
8 is just after 7.
Now, write the numbers that
comes before, after and in between the given numbers.
Tens and Ones
We know that, to write
two-digit numbers, we need two places – Ones and Tens.
Let’s write a few numbers in
ones and tens columns.
Numbers |
Ones |
Tens |
11 |
1 |
1 |
23 |
2 |
3 |
35 |
3 |
5 |
48 |
4 |
8 |
In a two-digit number, the
first place from right is ones place and the second place from right is the
tens places.
In 11, there are 1 one and one
ten. In 23, there are 3 ones and 2 tens. In 35, 5 ones and 3 tens. In 48, there
are 8 ones and 4 tens.
Comparing Numbers
Here, 7 is less than 9. It can
be written as 7 < 9.
And, 9 is greater than 7. It
can be written as 9 > 7.
“<” is called
less than symbol and “>” is called greater than symbol.
If two numbers are equal, then
we write it as 8 = 8. “=” is equal to symbol.
Smallest Number / Greatest
In the three numbers given in the circles above, 18 is the smallest number.
In the three numbers given in
the circles above, 82 is the greatest number.
Ordering Numbers
We can arrange the given
numbers in two different orders. One is from the smallest to the greatest and
the other is from the greatest to the smallest.
Smallest to Greatest
When the numbers are arranged
from the smallest to the greatest, this is called increasing order of ascending order of
Example 1: Arrange the following numbers in ascending order.
Greatest to Smallest
When the numbers are arranged
from the greatest to the smallest, this is called decreasing order of descending order of
Example 1: Arrange the following numbers in descending order.
Solution: The numbers in descending order are as follows:
Now, check your understanding
of numbers using the following online test.
Maths Quiz for Class 1 Numbers
Class 1 Numbers Worksheet